VictoriaBalvanera Porn


Age: 38
Languages: en,es
Audio: true
Height: 67
Weight: 178
Body Type: average
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: hispanic
Zodiac: saggitarius
Brests: 48d
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 33 - 34
If it's about sex, I love to dominate our encounter, I focus on getting to know you first so we can please each other, tell me your deepest desires and let's enjoy our bodies

I am a milf eager to play with our bodies, while I get excited watching you touch yourself for me. I let my imagination fly so that together we explode with pleasure when we reach the top of our climax. I enjoy cooking very much, I am a woman willing to do everything your mind wants to do with me, I like to fill you with pleasure and please you in whatever you want.


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