MissAmellia Porn


Languages: en
Location: 277364883
Audio: true
Height: 65
Weight: 111
Body Type: athletic
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: hazel
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: european
Zodiac: leo
Brests: 35a
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 24 - 36
I have always been attracted to intelligent mature men who knows how to get out my wild part of me and have sense of humor . When we talk about sex , I love the gentleman who is kinky enough to keep me on fire :) !

Dreaming of desire and lust .. you see me , you feel me . If you step into my room , be ready to have all your wishes come true. Hot and passionate show that will drive you into the world of sexiness and wet dreams ! I am a marvelous housekeeper ... everytime i leave a man , i keep his house ! :P


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