MingYue27 Porn


Age: 20
Languages: en,es
Audio: true
Height: 65
Weight: 121
Body Type: slender
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: hispanic
Zodiac: leo
Brests: 33b
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 24 - 37
It makes me happy to be here, I feel that I can be myself and genuinely share my way of being, my knowledge, a dinner, a glass of wine, and why not, an erotic moment induced by all that previously.

I love talking to people, I am willing to give you my time and energy as long as it is something we both enjoy, I like to explore my body, I like to watch and have fun until reaching ecstasy, share passionate and fun moments. I'm new but make no mistake, life itself is a school where you can want and be wanted in all ways and honestly I'm here to do it with you. I am an outgoing, happy and self-confident woman, I love my body and you will love it too


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