KeikoMai Porn


Age: 22
Languages: en
Audio: true
Height: 62
Weight: 102
Body Type: athletic
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: grey
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: asian
Zodiac: libra
Brests: 35d
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 25 - 44
It turns me on when a man knows what he wants. To make sex interesting and varied. I love to experiment and tease with my body. I am excited by various fantasies and foreplay. It is important for me to be on the same wavelength and feel free

I like to chat and sometimes have fun. we can discuss any topic. I will give you a lot of my sexy body. I love to play with myself for you. Unleash your sexual fantasy. I also like games and different entertainment. I love and appreciate good humor. It is important for me to see your emotions in response, so I will be glad to see you! Also, be very polite and caring with me, I do not accept rudeness and arrogance. I am ready to be a friend and loved


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