KaysaLambert Porn


Age: 19
Languages: en,es,it,de
Location: 277367187
Audio: true
Height: 62
Weight: 122
Body Type: athletic
Hair Color: dyed
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: hispanic
Zodiac: taurus
Brests: 32b
Shaved?: trimmed
Waist-Hip: 25 - 33
I want to choke on your lips, whisper to you with silent words the desire I feel to be part of you and now ... I don't want to wake up, The desire to be with the loved one can lead us to lose our minds.

I want you to read to you every night ... line after line, space by space, kiss me, touch me, make me yours, let's be one! When the sexual connection exists, the bodies merge into one. Perversion is just another form of art. It is like painting or drawing or sculpture. Except that instead of painting, we perverts use sex as our medium, Be quiet, let yourself go, and kiss me with your heart


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