KaterinFuentes Porn


Age: 18
Languages: en,es
Audio: true
Height: 62
Weight: 111
Body Type: average
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: hispanic
Zodiac: virgo
Brests: 31b
Shaved?: trimmed
Waist-Hip: 27 - 32
I love listening to music while we have a good conversation in which we progress until we get very naughty, I like to please your darkest desires and get together to have as much fun as possible.

I love long conversations and this way we get to know each other more deeply and thus lose control little by little, make every part of me tingle and together we can live a fantasy that is pleasurable for both of us. I really love teasing you slowly with my body, dancing and touching every inch of it, my voice and my lips will drive you crazy, I'm pretty sure I can give you a good memory.


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