KaraWatson Porn


Age: 25
Languages: en,es
Audio: true
Height: 69
Weight: 159
Body Type: muscular
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: hispanic
Brests: 36c
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 35 - 27
I love a good talk, let me know more about you and all that you are passionate about, I love to take me into account and be gentlemen when it comes to treating me, nothing like love and mutual respect, if you treat me well I will treat you super good.

You will love to be with me enjoying my great hard body because of the exercise, you will see how flexible I am and how nice I like to touch me when I am alone with you, my big ass will not stop bouncing and my moans will make you put so hard until cum Very good to fuck me for you, in breastfeeding it to the bottom and give you the best of pleasures, I love to show my attributes while fucking my ass, my oil show will also surprise you so you can see all the attributes of my body.


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