HTXRiRi Porn


Languages: en
Location: 277366931
Audio: true
Height: 63
Weight: 135
Body Type: petite
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: ebony
Zodiac: taurus
Brests: 34b
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 30 - 34
I like beautiful men and elegant men and intelligent men. I like men (and women) who know how to treat me like the Goddess I am. Who shower me with the attention I deserve and know how to be polite, how to ask nicely, and how to make me fulfilled.

I want to hear all your deepest fantasies, secrets, urges, and what makes you explode! I'm always curious about all sexual things. I'm and intelligent and sometimes surprised at the crazy things that come to mind. Conversation and elegance. I'm a good girl with a dirty mind and dirtier fingers and a dirtier tongue. I'm here to live my fantasies, and I just might choose you to live them with me


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