Dirty_Thirty Porn


Languages: en,fr
Location: 277366931
Audio: true
Height: 67
Weight: 112
Body Type: slender
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: green
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: caucasian
Zodiac: capricorn
Brests: 37c
Shaved?: hairy
Waist-Hip: 25 - 37
I love gentle guys telling me their erotic fantasies with me! What I love most is someone who can take me private to discover everything about ourselves, without any distraction from anyone else.

I enjoy role plays and all kind of sexy games! Love a man who can listen to me, and have deep and casual conversations, along with dirty talk and spicy subjects as well! I want you to take your time to know me, to fully enjoy each other. I am very open minded and always in the mood to play! I want you to relax and allow me to seduce you. Music moves me, and interacting with you sends me into another world. From a slow, sensual dance to a wild ride on my favorite toys...


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