Danika99 Porn


Languages: en
Location: 343951511
Audio: true
Height: 65
Weight: 128
Body Type: average
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: caucasian
Zodiac: aries
Brests: 32c
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 25 - 40
I love to be spoiled! Large Gold Sweet men and women, Compliments (of Course), boost my ego and I will perform for you! Rock hard cocks, sexy women, Loyalty, Honesty, I love to laugh.

Excited to play around and experiment with you. Tell me what you want and you just might get it. ;-) Whether you want a vanilla fantasy fulfilled or that thing that you won't tell anyone but your goldfish about, I'm your girl! Roleplay :-D I specialize in authenticity. I'll never give you anything fake, and I won't patronize you with pretend circus tricks. That aside, I do any and all roleplay. I have yet to encounter a roleplay I will not do ;-)


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