SandyHanson Porn


Age: 33
Languages: English
Audio: 1
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Body Type: athletic
Hair Length: long
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Race: white
Brests: normalnormal
I like to be eaten with whipped cream…too normal? Eat me from top to bottom with or without any cream. I’m sure that you will enjoy my sweet taste. Addictive? I am. Sexy? That’s me. Smart? I’m gonna make you fall in love with me.

One person can make a difference. I want to be that person..the one who is always real and fair. The woman that offers you a great time with her grace, warmth, body, mind and sexual experiences. One of my secrets is that i love trying new things always..sexual and non-sexual. Life has so many to offer us..why just get exhausted in a basic routine? I'm here to get you out . Let's feel alive! You can find me online between 11PM to 7 AM EST :X :X


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