Samy_Browne Porn


Age: 40
Languages: en,fr,es,de
Location: 277366931
Audio: true
Height: 69
Weight: 133
Body Type: athletic
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: hazel
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: hispanic
Zodiac: leo
Brests: 36d
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 24 - 38
I feel horny when you demand more from me, as my personal sex trainer, when you push my body to the limits, when you pull my hair and fuck me as strong as you can.

It's a marathon of pleasure and sex. I am affectionate and I have big biceps, ass and tits. My muscular body will please you with anal, crazy roleplays, you'll never ever forget my deepthroat and you'll love to see me spanking my ass while I dominate you. I have lots of experience and energy, especially in the physical world. I'm a deepthroat goddess and using a lot of toys I can drive my body to multiple orgasms. I'm an expertise in naked sports, anal sex and double penetration.


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