RaisaSins Porn


Languages: en,fr
Location: 277367191
Audio: true
Height: 63
Weight: 101
Body Type: petite
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: caucasian
Brests: 37d
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 24 - 37
Great men, great talks, giggles that suddenly turn into the hottest show. Confidence. Protective guys... I'm easy-going, so u'll have fun with me. I also enjoy a deviant man, I'm a young domme at heart:P

I'm a force of nature :). I'm experienced and If i'm having fun, you'll have the time of your life. Feel free to talk to me about anything and I encourage you to share your kinks to me. Oh well... I have the best moves on this website I GUARANTEE! I'm super flexible and i'm a true performer when it comes to dancing. My favourite positions are MINE:)). You'll be left in awe. Also, I'm an experienced camgirl, so you are in good hands.


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