PrinceysBrat Porn


Languages: en
Audio: true
Height: 63
Weight: 243
Body Type: bbw
Hair Color: dyed
Eye Color: hazel
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: caucasian
Zodiac: aquarius
Brests: 44dd/e
Shaved?: trimmed
Waist-Hip: 44 - 52
Everything BDSM (unless its DD/LG or DD/LB or r@ceplay ie anything with slurs I will not do that)

I like to chat with my shows to get to know them and once I get a good idea I can start to get NSFW. I can also take requests and will talk to them in any way fit! That being soft or borderline bullying them because people get off to that I am decent with my words I like to degrade people (I don't do anything with slurs at all and if I don't know a word's definition but I know it I still won't say it), I am a submissive person (switch but mostly sub) A Brat who likes to put on a show!


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