KarinaS Porn


Languages: en
Location: 277366935
Audio: true
Height: 69
Weight: 120
Body Type: slender
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Sexual Orientation: straight
Race: caucasian
Brests: 34a
Shaved?: bald
Waist-Hip: 24 - 34
Being yourself is very sexy, you know? Let's do that more often.

When you are a girl, you have to be everything.You have to be dope at what you do, but you have to be super sweet and you have to be sexy and so on – it's like, I can't be all of those things at once. I'm a human being! A super sweet, nice and sexy one! I love to wear lingerie. The problem is that men always rip it off too quickly, When i am dolled up in lingerie I feel sexy and confident. So let me wear it for a few minutes. I love a man who can think at his woman pleasure first then his own.


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