Emma_Caprice Porn


Languages: en
Location: 277366935
Audio: true
Height: 62
Weight: 143
Body Type: average
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: green
Sexual Orientation: bi
Race: caucasian
Zodiac: aries
Brests: 31a
Shaved?: trimmed
Waist-Hip: 29 - 35
I love to provoke, dance and have fun with you, it fascinates me to be observed and to give me orders haha ​​that makes me very hot because I love to please through my beautiful and exciting body, moving it with music for you.

My show is about you and your pleasure but also to have fun and play together. I love being playful and sweet but I can be your lover. I am a doll and I want you to try me, hold me tight and do whatever you want. Alot hot play, toy and fingers, anal play, blowjob, streaptease and teasing u, shaking ass, dancing, talking and screaming when u fuck me sooo good


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